Episode 5 of Of The Scrum Master Toolbox Podcast: Kristopher Stice-Hall

This week, Digital Maelstrom’s CMO Kristopher Stice-Hall continues to be the featured guest on The Scrum Master Toolbox podcast- a daily podcast for Scrum Masters and Agile coaches. Throughout the week, Kristopher will be sharing his personal experiences and words of wisdom as a Scrum Master of over ten years.

All five of the podcast episodes can be heard at The Scrum Master Toolbox Podcast.

Our CMO Kristopher’s fifth and final podcast can be heard on Friday, April 26th. In this episode, Kristopher explains the detrimental effects of having a Product Owner who is self-absorbed and refuses to collaborate with their team members. He shares an example about his time working with a Product Owner who refused to work along with their team or compromise on any new suggestions for the stories at hand, and the company-wide repercussions that followed. He then shares conducive tactics that Scrum teams can implement to handle these unfavorable situations when they arise.

In contrast to dealing with detrimental Product Owners, Kristopher then shares a story about one of the most positive and collaborative Product Owners with whom he did business. He lists the professional qualities she encompassed and the operative techniques she utilized that made her such a valuable member of the team. He explains how her constructive traits set the precedent for workplace efficacy and productivity and benefited the company as a whole.

Kristopher Stice-Hall has been a Scrum Master for over ten years and has been working in software development for the past 17 years. His IT Advisory company, Digital Maelstrom, offers a wide variety of services in Development, IT Operations, IT Strategy, and IT Security.

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